Monday, November 8, 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Is it just me or has anyone noticed that NOTHING has changed. The rich got ridiculously richer and the poor have lost even more. The recent economic "downturn" that was created by the banks only succeeded in one thing, creating a larger poor population from folks who were once considered middle class. If we "THE PEOPLE" don't do something right away in the very near future there will only be two classes, SLAVES and PHENOMINALLY WEALTHY! It doesn't matter how much money you have now, if you're not an actual member of one of the ruling families you won't have it long. History is repeating itself and most of you are too blind to see and hear it. All these very same things happened in Nazi Germany before the Second World War. It was the cause of the war. They're happening now to incite a THIRD WORLD WAR, guess where it's gonna be??!! Right where the bible said it would be! This is so evident especially if you listen to crap coming out of our politician's mouths. It's exactly word for word what came out of Hitler's mouth in the 30's and we all know how that turned out!!! THE TIME FOR REVOLUTION IS NOW!! WE MUST OVERTHROW THE OLIGARCHY CONTROLLING THE WORLD'S BANKS. To do that we must first overthrow the government/governments that protect it! This is a global issue, not just an American issue, but it needs to happen here first because this is the epicenter of the problem.. THIS REVOLUTION CANNOT BE FOUGHT WITH GUNS!!!! It's not that kind of revolution. It has to be fought by simply not conforming to or obeying the orders delivered to us thru the media. Everything we see on TV is designed to dumb us down, misinform us, take our attention away from the men behind the curtain that control our lives, much like the wizard in OZ! The only thing is we can now see the men behind the curtain because they're so close to fulfilling their agenda and we're so blinded by their media's minutia that they simply don't care anymore, they think they've already won! It's not too late to flip this boat, but very soon it will bceause the deck will be stacked ever more in their favor and we'll have less movemental freedom and be sensored in every word we say. We're already monitored, they just haven't got enough of the jackboots yet, but they will, they're recruiting more every day. They have plans for a civilian army stronger and better equipped than our standing army. Who do you think that army's enemy will be??!! US! YOU AND ME! OUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN! This isn't rocket science and it's very easy to see if you turn off the TV and look around! WAKE UP!! THE TIME IS NOW!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I recently made the trip from northern California to the hearthland. Being a lifelong traveller of the highways of our once great nation I'm very observant of the lack of commerce going on around us. Huge trucking companies that once populated every transportation lane from coast to coast were conspicuously absent. Traffic itself was conspicuously absent. When I arrived in the nation's heartland after being gone for roughly a year and a half the first thing I noticed was that nearly everything was for sale. While traveling the once familiar byways of this state of confusion I was overwhelmed at the number of of once seemingly prosperous homes and farms that now stand abandoned and forlorn with pathetically home made signs made by the folks only educated enough to be taxpayers begging anyone to buy anything or everything. One home I pass with great frequency has a home, a shop and the eighteen wheeler that probably once paid the bills standing in an overgrown yard with a sign declaring it all for sale. Having passed that same home during better times I vividly remember the beautful flower gardens that were some housewife's pride and joy that now sit weed choked, a vacant testimony to the hard times that recently passed and the harder times to come. Obamaman and his vipers in Washington declare a recovery is in progress, I think not! I don't think we've really begun to see the actual decline into the poverty stricken third world country our politicos are striving for. The industrial soul of this country has been sold to China for the same 30 pieces of silver that Christ was betrayed for by the very people we elected to protect us from just such an event. Now after decades of being hardworking honest taxpayers the people of the heartland have been gutted and left for dead by the GREED DRIVEN politicians they elected. How long will it take and how low will we go before those same displaced taxpayers see there is no hope but what we make for ourselves and BECOME A REVOLUTION??? Only time will tell, but one thing I know, if it doesn't happen soon it never will! Once the camps come on line and the genocide planned by "The Brotherhood" begins it will be every man for himself because we'll all be running in fear not marching in solidarity! THE TIME TO REVOLT IS NOW!! EVEN TOMORROW COULD BE TOO LATE!! WAKE UP! LOOK AROUND! THE END OF LIFE AS WE KNOW IT IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER! Don't let it mow you and your loved ones down. Don't become a statistic, BECOME A REVOLUTION!!!!!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010


DO NOT VOTE ON NOVEMBER 2ND!!!!! THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT YOUR ENEMIES WANT YOU TO DO!!! BY VOTING YOU'RE PLAYING THEIR GAME WITH THEIR RULES. We already know playing by their rules makes them the winners automatically. So why continue to play a losing game. It doesn't matter who we "elect!" It doesn't matter who we send to our little den of vipers in Washington. The end result will be the same. Instead of wasting our time getting screwed by this pack of lying snakes, let's start a game of our own. We can play it just like they do, we can change the rules at any given moment, do what's best for us and cripple them financially. That is after all where they get their so-called "power." A power we gave them by subscribing to their propaganda, their monetary system, by living in this world basically. A world designed to rob from the lesser and give to the greater. A totally lopsided world where less than 1% of the population has 90% of the wealth. Don't you think it's time to do something about this? Do you have any idea what is just around the corner? In a nutshell 'destitution on a global scale and the ushering in of a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT that has an agenda of slavery, treachery and genocide'. This is not escapable! No matter what you have now, if you're not a member of the power elite you won't have it long. Having money, no matter how much doesn't add you to their rolls, you have to be born into this group. The nuevo riche (celebrities, business people...etc) will all be lambs for slaughtering when their times come. Until then they'll be used as the mouthpieces and showpieces of distraction they were meant to be to give us something else to occupy our time, instead of knowing and questioning what's going on behind the curtain. STOP PLAYING THEIR GAME NOW!!! DON'T VOTE!!! STAY AWAY FROM THE POLLS TOMORROW. SEND A CLEAR MESSAGE THAT WE'RE NOT PLAYING THEIR GAME ANYMORE!!!!!!

Been gone a while.

It's been a long time since I've been here. Forgot how to get here and once I got here I didn't know how to navigate it. Hope I can begin doing better, gonna try right now. Still haven't got a few things figured out but I'm working on it.