Tuesday, March 30, 2010


We're all junkies of one sort or another and the powers that be create our addictions as an easy way to control the population. If we're focused on our addiction we won't be looking at or caring what our government and the people that control it are doing. It makes it so much easier for them if we don't have a clue what they're doing, especially if it's something detrimental to our lives (which is everything they do). When the word addiction is used people as a rule automatically think of drugs, but that's not the case. In reality addiction is an obsession gone to the next level. Anyone can become addicted to anything at any time, the only requirement of an addiction is that it addresses our personal happiness issues. An addiction can be as harmless as American Idol or as deadly as Methamphetamine or Heroin, it all depends on the individual. The easiest way to identify an addiction is to answer one simple question, does it create an emotional response? Do you get giddy in anticipation of your "fix?" Does just the thought of your "drug" elevate or change your mood? Are you let down or do you become depressed or even angry when you're deprived of your "fix?" If you can answer yes to these questions, you're an addict, even if you're only talking about Lucky Charms cereal. Granted that might not be as dangerous as meth unless it becomes a serious health issue, but every addiction has the potential to be deadly no matter how innocuous it is. Our minds and bodies need balance in all things and any obsession upsets that balance. It's not long before our lower brain picks up our obsession to placate its instinct to alter its state of consciousness. Ultimately it's our lower brain that discards or elevates the obsession to addiction status. If discarded we lose that obsession like a bad habit and move on to the next thing in our path. That's why I say there's no such thing as a gateway drug, we only settle on the thing that thing that addresses our individual need. If there is a gateway drug, my money'd be on tobacco simply because it's generally the first truly addictive substance we injest and the most readily available.

Addiction is the way to control a population, whether it be food, street drugs, prescription drugs, boats, cars, sports, TV, video games, money, sex, power anything that we fixate on is an addiction of sorts and it's all used against us for a variety of reasons at many levels. As a former drug dealer I've seen this first hand, it's amazing how easy it is to control people with drugs. The first and foremost reason is, if we're focused on our own obsessions or addictions we won't be paying any attention to what's going on around us in the world. This allows entities like our government and it's handlers to spread the wealth to their little ultra-wealthy community while at the same time robbing it from ours the taxpayer, usually before the money's even made keeping us hard at work living the "American Dream" of having "things," things we're told we need to have by the TV because it's part of "the dream." The ones that don't succumb to that dream usually end up in some type of sub/counter culture that succumbs to something else, usually drugs, but in our day and age there are many more things to obsess over or become addicted to than in the past and it's more readily available thanks to the internet.

I've witnessed everything I just spoke about first hand. My father was addicted to "things," hunting and fishing "things." Though he didn't do much of either he was a sucker for the newest fishing lure or rod. As a child whenever he gave me a birthday or Christmas present it was usually something he wanted, nothing I cared about. He even went so far as to steal money from a child (me) to get an outboard motor for his boat and beat me for finding out about it. The emotional response my dad's addictions caused were broadcast in neon for everyone to see. The usually taciturn prick my dad was would actually be human on the day of a hunt and conquest, whether figurative or actual. A figurative hunt was the day he was going to buy a new fishing lure, fishing pole, deer rifle, scope etc... Once the conquest (purchase) was made it was usually looked at, shelved, forgotten and he was a prick again. He had dozens of fishing poles, reels, creels, an overflowing tacklebox and very rarely used any of it, the same with his hunting gear. We had a boat that sat out in our back yard because he was too busy watching the opiate of the ignorant, TV to do anything with it except a couple times a year and heaven forbid anyone touch his boat or anything else in his arsenal of junk.

"Things" weren't my dad's only addictions, he was a sucker for sports on TV. It didn't matter what it was he forced the whole family to be assaulted by it or leave the house "my house, my rules, my TV, if you don't like it leave," was his answer to any comment made about the constant barrage of crap like Big 20 Bowling, golf, professional wrestling and anything else that you could get jumping up and down mad at, but never play in your life. Then later on in life he became addicted to, of all things, Dristan Cold Medicine after he gave up smoking. Can't expect much more from the idiot he was.

My form of rebellion and the antithesis to his thesis was to run, not walk to Harley Davidson motorcycles, methamphetamine and marijuana and live in that counter-culture for 25 years. All a shining example of what was said earlier in this post. For that entire time I could've cared less who was president or about anything else except my own little drug-induced world. Now that I can see first hand what my and so many millions of other's apathy has allowed I'm pissed. Sobriety comes with a price, responsibility, we've all been irresponsible junkies for way too long, generations too long, now the wolves rule the roost and we're paying "the price we pay for the lives we led" and footing the bill for the lives of the crooks we allowed to gain power. See ya!

Monday, March 22, 2010


The following constitutional amendments not only give us the right to speak out against our government when it's become tyrannical, but some actually require us to form a militia to protect ourselves from said tyrannical governments. Tyrany comes in many forms from outright brutalization of the population to simply ignoring our needs in favor of their own greedy agendas. These immutable laws protect us from such action by giving us the right to say and do whatever we feel is neccessary to protect ourselves, INCLUDING CIVIL WAR!


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The passing of the Health Care Reform Bill yesterday was a major step in the wrong direction. The bill was just a poorly disguised socialist manifesto that allows government to take control of every aspect of your life including how much money you have by giving them absolute access to your bank accounts to deduct whatever they feel you "owe" them for the alledged services they provide.

If you'll notice the last sentence of the second amendment, it says our rights will not be abridged. Well since the Obama adminsitration took office the amendments themselves have been abridged to exclude any wording about tyrannical or despotic governments and the right we have to protect ourselves from them. I've spent the last 24 hours looking for the unabridged versions to post here, if anyone out there can find the unabridged versions send them to me for posting here so I can clearly define the rights we have that support this undertaking. Much more later, stay tuned.

Friday, March 19, 2010


I my quest to know my enemy {meth} and conquer it I've been deeper into the psychology of addiction than most PHds on the subject. Addiction is the product of the lower brain. That is the most primitive part of our brain and is often referred to as the reptilian brain. This area of our brain houses the 4 baser instincts hunger, sex, fight or flight and altering our state of conciousness. The 2 instincts that are the driving forces for any and every addiction are altering our state of conciousness and fight or flight. Depending on our sense of well-being our brain seeks to alter it's state of conciousness from every 2 seconds to every 22 minutes. The more unsettled our emotional state the more frequently we seek to get "high." Our fight or flight mechanism sends us to get high at the first sign of any supposed "threat." When a junkie's confronted with any issue they first get hostile, then run to get "high" as soon as they can because their lower brain takes over as soon as anything is perceived as a "threat" and they can't "take it" meaning anything that doesn't agree with them no matter how trivial.

The so-called experts have been shoveling this load of crap for years called "gateway drugs." There's no such thing! As well as there's no such thing as genetic predisposition to addiction. Every addiction is unique to the addict as far as drug of choice {in this case even sex can be construed as a drug} and reason for use. The way we find our drug of choice is very simple we sample everything that comes our way till we hit upon the drug that addresses our individual need the best {what makes us the happiest}. We use our upper concious brain during our search, much the way a wine connoisseur tastes many brands of wine but only a few really satisfy his particular taste and one always stands out above the rest. When we find the drug that blows our skirts over our heads we're off and running with our "drug of choice." That "drug" can be anything, street drugs, prescription drugs, chocolate cake, pedophilia, shopping, fist-fighting, masturbating, junk food, money, sex, cars, giving, taking, shop-lifting, tugging at our hair etc etc... Our upper brain finds our drug of choice, creates an obsession for it, ships it to our lower brain and an addiction is created. It's then re-enforced every time fight or flight sends us to get "high."

In our high-stress society of today addiction is more prevelant than ever before because we as a society are more miserable than ever before. During the `92 presidential campaign Ross Perot said "if a man could make enough to support his family comfortably, he wouldn't need to turn to drugs." No truer words have ever been spoken, but the bottom line is the way our society is being raped by the ultra-wealthy Old World Order all that's left for many is drugs and addictions.

Using meth as an example...many people employed in our once vast manufacturing industry used meth to work longer hours or double shifts to be able to have a better life than working only 40 hours can bring. When our government shipped their job overseas and closed their only source of income the only thing they had left was a meth habit. Legal or not nobody is going to sit idly by and watch everything they've worked for their entire life go to the repo man so they utilize the only alternative available, drugs. Meth is a particularly easy addiction to monitize because for a hundred dollars worth of materials that can be found in any department store you can make a thousand dollars worth of dope. Reinvest that thousand and make ten thousand and on-n-on till the cops kick down your door and lock your ass up for a few years or you're so spun and ate up from the garbage you've been putting in your body that you're just a shell of who you once were. Though our government makes all the "right noises" about the "drug problem" they both fund it and make money from it. Barack Obama's campaign was funded with 158 million dollars of "drug money" provided for him by the "The Brotherhood" of bankers that he serves. You didn't think he served the American people did you? He looks down that long Muslim nose of his with great disdain at us, to him and his cronies we're just sheep to be used and discarded when they've taken all they can. Much, much more later, stay tuned.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Becoming introduction

Almost 15 years ago I began becoming; becoming free from drugs, becoming concerned with the world around me, becoming aware of the problems "normal" people faced every day. Up until that time my only concern had been where the next party was and where the next dope bag was coming from. My only "worry" in life was the cops; everything else was taken care of by dope. Methamphetamine was the thing that ruled my life, it was all I ever thought I'd need to get through life. It governed every second of my existance and I was never very far from a bag of dope and a tooter. After running myself into the gutter twice and having nothing more than a pile of junk, an old Harley, a rusted out Dodge van {that I lived in} and a pitbull dog, at 39 years old I finally decided enough was too much and walked away {drove actually} from all of it. 23oo miles later I landed in the only safe place I knew and began the process of becoming clean from meth for the first time in 25 years. It was the most difficult thing I'd done to date and probably would have never made it if it hadn't been for my ex-wife. 11 years later she'd had enough and left for greener pastures, can't say as I blame her either, recovering junkies aren't easy to deal with and I was no exception. Before she left she inspired me to put the story of my life in a book, but we couldn't even work on that together without a fight. More about the book at www.meth-monster.com; once the book was published I thought my work would be done till I started doing radio interviews and found out how little people knew about the subject and true scope of the national and international pandemic that is meth addiction. The key to overcoming any addiction is knowing the personal issues it addresses and working through that to the addiction itself. The problem with that, is most of people's issues are caused by the world around them and this has to change. Becoming refers to becoming free. The only way to become truly free is through education {knowing your enemy} and using it the best way we can. That is the goal of this blog; educating us all on who our real enemy is and how to overcome the growing tyrany of the bankers that are ruinning our lives, country and world. Stay tuned.