Tuesday, December 21, 2010


In the Clinton era our government shipped all our jobs overseas with NAFTA and a bunch of other crooked treaties designed to place a stranglehold on our citizens. The Bush era ushered in The Patriot Act and Homeland Security to further tighten that stranglehold and committed the Mega Ritual of 9-11 to scare Americans into compliance with threats of terrorist invaders even though it was an inside job. Since Obama's come into office the economy the Bush administration tanked intentionally has gotten worse while feeding billions of dollars to the Zionist bankers that own the world at the expense of the taxpayers...Has outlawed any type of protest of that action...Has built millions of plastic FEMA coffins...Built hundreds of FEMA camps to inter dissidents in...Has outlawed every weapon except a daisy air rifle...Made it illegal to grow our own food or store any significant amount of food for the future...Has taken 90% of the jobs away from the middle class reducing them to poverty level living...Denied unemeployment compensation to almost 3 million Americans, thus reducing them to homelessness. The handwriting is on the wall people in big black letters. IF NOW ISN'T THE TIME FOR A REVOLUTION, WHEN WILL BE THE TIME???!!! When the FEMA camps are overflowing with who used to be the middle class and the FEMA coffins are full of victims of an artificially created world food shortage? WAKE THE FUCK UP YOU MORONS!!!!

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