Monday, November 1, 2010


DO NOT VOTE ON NOVEMBER 2ND!!!!! THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT YOUR ENEMIES WANT YOU TO DO!!! BY VOTING YOU'RE PLAYING THEIR GAME WITH THEIR RULES. We already know playing by their rules makes them the winners automatically. So why continue to play a losing game. It doesn't matter who we "elect!" It doesn't matter who we send to our little den of vipers in Washington. The end result will be the same. Instead of wasting our time getting screwed by this pack of lying snakes, let's start a game of our own. We can play it just like they do, we can change the rules at any given moment, do what's best for us and cripple them financially. That is after all where they get their so-called "power." A power we gave them by subscribing to their propaganda, their monetary system, by living in this world basically. A world designed to rob from the lesser and give to the greater. A totally lopsided world where less than 1% of the population has 90% of the wealth. Don't you think it's time to do something about this? Do you have any idea what is just around the corner? In a nutshell 'destitution on a global scale and the ushering in of a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT that has an agenda of slavery, treachery and genocide'. This is not escapable! No matter what you have now, if you're not a member of the power elite you won't have it long. Having money, no matter how much doesn't add you to their rolls, you have to be born into this group. The nuevo riche (celebrities, business people...etc) will all be lambs for slaughtering when their times come. Until then they'll be used as the mouthpieces and showpieces of distraction they were meant to be to give us something else to occupy our time, instead of knowing and questioning what's going on behind the curtain. STOP PLAYING THEIR GAME NOW!!! DON'T VOTE!!! STAY AWAY FROM THE POLLS TOMORROW. SEND A CLEAR MESSAGE THAT WE'RE NOT PLAYING THEIR GAME ANYMORE!!!!!!

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